Saturday, June 18, 2011

Seven Steps to Success

There are lots of books around which are telling you that there is this marvelous "secret" to success. There isn't. This "secret" they're talking about is just a sham to get you curious enough to buy their product or service. Success is not a secret... it's actually straightforward really.

I figure there are 7 unique components to finding success in your lifetime. They are:

1. Have Faith & Stay Positive

The most important thing that can be done on your search for success, is develop a positive attitude and have faith that you will get to where you want to go. Very often, people can't consider an event or scenario turning out the way they want it to. They just see a unfavorable end-result. You cannot think this way. Not if you'd like to attain success. At times, no matter if it feels like a predicament can't come out good, you have to find ways that it can. That's faith. That's working with a good perspective. Use your imagination when you have to!

Some children are discouraged from a young age as a result of inadequate direction. Once others grow older, they are shown this world that informs us that we are not able to do this, or we're not suitable for that and, in return, our ability to be innovative and count on good stuff vanishes. However it can be brought back! All you've got to do is have strong faith and use your imagination!


2. Be Enthusiastic

In the past, I have found it does not matter what job I have had, I have always been able to find one thing I did not like about it. A part of this problem was my lack of enthusiasm for the work I did. Fortunately, I've discovered the strength of enthusiastic conduct.

You HAVE to be enthusiastic if you want to find success. Individuals with enthusiasm are always ready to offer more and work harder. But why? Well, it's simple... they do not concentrate on those minor negative issues that the majority of folks see in their work.

Those negatives are easy to find when you look for them and they can easily consume you to the point of failure, if you focus enough on them. Likewise, enthusiastic people discover the positive things and are excited to be so blessed to perform such enjoyable work. This is precisely opposite of finding the negatives in a job. After you find the good and concentrate on it, good things will happen. It is the law of the Universe. That which you seek, and what you make it a staple to focus on, you'll receive.


3. Have Courage To Take Chances

When you see what you have been looking for, get it! When a cutting-edge idea comes to you, investigate it! That's the way you get your creativity back. You must take risks.

Many people never even recognize that they have an imagination or creative ability, because when those creative thoughts or imaginative ideas pop in their head, they scold themselves because of it. "They are certainly not reasonable," they might say. But, those are the most authentic thoughts you can possibly have and by not exploring them, you neglect your golden opportunity.


4. Go Above & Beyond

You have got to think large. You have got to dream large. You've got to do more and be more.

Go that step further. Rise a little higher. Work just a little harder. Laugh just a little louder. Do not just put in an effort. Give it everything you have.


5. Work To Serve Others

This does not mean go out and wait hand and foot on someone. It means, that whatever you do, take action with the goal of helping others. You may invent something that improves the lives of others. You could start an organization which offers a top quality service at an easily affordable price. Whatever you do, do not work for the money. Work to improve the lives of individuals around you.

Whether you are a farmer, a business person, an instructor, a coach, a politician, a truck driver, a lumberjack, or whatever you are, when you look to serve others in your work, you'll find better results. Basically, don't work for your paycheck. Work to make a difference.


6. Be Persistent

To find success, you have to do something that most people never do. You have to persist until the end. No giving up, no backing down. You're in it to win it, or you are not in it at all. This is the perspective you have to take with you.

Sure, you are going to get knocked down and yes, challenges are going to block your path. People will also tell you that your path is unachievable. That is fine... because you are going to get back up, you are going to ignore what they say and you are going to go up that mountain anyways. That's how you persevere, and that's how you find success.


7. Be Thankful

There is not a person on this planet who has best command over their life. Our life is our gift and we must be grateful that we have it. So, give many thanks for every positive thing in your life. Your family, your home, your job, your friends... give thanks to God for them. If you cannot help but find negatives, thank God for the lessons they have provided you with and thank God for the ability to overcome them.

For more information on finding success, check out "Those Wise Guys," a blog dedicated to finding and maintaining a successful lifestyle. "Those Wise Guys" features a ton of classic and ageless wisdom from some of the finest thinkers that have ever walked the face of the earth. Come on and join the discussion today!

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